SimpleMaint is an organizational set of tools that help you work more efficiently as a maintance manager. It is a source for the information you will need on a daily basis.
You will have easy access to vendors, parts information, machine details and you can create and report on your PM program with a few clicks of your mouse.
The system is broken into several modules, which work together. It isn't necessary to use all the functionality of this system, but it
will increase your efficiency. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll assume that you will use every module.
When your system is set up and data is entered, you'll be able to:
- Quickly find your vendor information
- Get parts information, manage parts quantities end even email your order if you prefer
- Instantly generate a report showing parts that you need to order
- See what parts go with a particular machine type
- Quickly find your machine model and serial numbers
- Create and maintain your PM program
- Allow any user to create a work request that is sent directly to the Maintenance Manager
- Email your daily report with two clicks of the mouse!
- Instantly create project reports Ok, let's begin!
Setting up your system in the proper order will ensure that you have all the information in place before proceeding to the next step.
- Create Vendors You must have vendors setup to use the parts module. This is necessary because one of required fields of a part is the default vendor. The only required field for the vendor is the vendor name. It is suggested that you also keep vendor phone numbers here. Now you can get that rollodex off your desk! Use the vendors tab and select 'Create Vendor'.
- Create Machine Group One of the features of this system is the ability to tie a part to a machine type. This will allow you to instantly see which parts you stock for a particular machine type. From the 'Machinery' tab, select 'Create Machine Group'. Even if you only have 'one' of a particular machine, such as an ironer, enter it as a machine group.
- Create Machine Create an entry for each machine. You can also create an entry here for other things, such as general building, janitorial, etc. This module will tie back into the PM system. Use designations that are common to your plant, such as Washer#1, or Sling hoist#3, etc.
- Create Parts This module is where you put all your parts information, including where to buy it and where it is stored in the plant.This is a huge time saver. (How often do you spend valuable time looking for information on a part that you bought last year? This is where you'll be able to find it in the future!) When you create a part, put in all the information that you have for it, including any comments that may be unique to that individual part.
- PM Tasks Enter all your PM data here. It is recommended that you create this module using every activity, not just a group of items. For instance, if your daily PM for washer #1 has 3 tasks, list them all seperately. It's possible that some may be completed, but not all. PM reporting with SimpleMaint is done on an exception basis rather than entering everything that was done for the day. Your PM module will know exactly which PM items are supposed to be completed. You will enter the items that were NOT completed using the Create Pm Exception button. This module will allow you to print a report that your technician will use as a PM checklist which you will then use to enter the Pm taks that may not have been completed.
- Work Requests Any user can enter a new work request. They will assign a priority from a pre-determines list. The requested will be logged in the maintenance database and an email with the details will be sent to the Maintenance Manager with a confirmation email to the person requesting the work.
Users, Login, Passwords
Each user is assigned a username and password by the System Administrator. Your username will be your first initial and last name. If your name is John Smith, your username will be jsmith. In the event another user already has your username, you will be jsmith2, etc. On the login screen it is recommended that you use the 'change password' option to set a password that only you will know. Use something that you can remember. If for some reason you forget it, there is a 'lost password' option that can be used to allow you to reset your password. A valid email address, set up at the time of your login creation is required for this feature. It is a good practice to simpleut whenever you are finished using the system, although the system will automatically terminate your session after 10 minutes of no activity. You will only see the drop down options on the 'user' tab if you are assigned 'admin' or 'manager' rights.Return to top of page
- Create Vendor Vendor information is required if you want to use the 'parts' module. It is a great place to find phone numbers quickly, keep your contact name, account number and any comments you may have about a particular vendor. The only required field is the 'vendor name'.
- Edit Vendor Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular vendor or the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete a vendor. A vendor may not be deleted if they are the default supplier for any part.
- Display/Print Vendor List Click on the 'Display/Print Vendor List' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing all Vendors. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
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- Create Part Click on the 'Create Parts' button to create a new part. Part numbers are 4 digits. It is recommended that you structure your part numbers using a 'letter', then 3 digits. Use the noun that best describes the item. Using this feature correctly will allow your lists to keep like items together when sorting. An example might be a pillow block bearing. Make is a 'B' series number such as B002. For the description make is something like 'Bearing, pillow block, 1-7/16'. This way all your bearings will sort together. The part location can be anything you want to call it. If you have shelves, it might 'shelf section 4, shelf 3' or 'belt rack'. Just use designations that are familiar to your facility. The default supplier is required as is the default supplier part number. All other field are arbitrary, but you should enter all the information you have, including comments if there is anything you might need to know at ordering time.
- Edit Parts Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular part or the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete the part.
- Use/Receive Parts This module is optional. It allows you to track your parts and report on shortages. You quickly enter what you have received and what you use. The shortage report option is also on the page. Click on the 'Use/receive parts' button to either use or receive a part and to print a shortage report.
- Print Parts Catalog Click on the 'Print Catalog' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing all parts. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
- Link Part to Machine Click on the 'Link Part to Machine' button to link a part to a machine group. This will allow you to generate a list of parts that belong to a machine group.
- Edit Linked Machine Part Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular Machine part or the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete the entry.
- Display/Print Linked Machine Parts Click on the 'Display/Print Machine Parts' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing all Machine parts. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
- Email Ordering Click on the 'Email Ordering' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing all Machine parts. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
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- Create Machine Click on the 'Create machine' button to create a new machine. Machine numbers can be anything you want but it is recommended that you name your machine numbers such that everyone will understand them, such as Washer #4 or Mat Cell conveyor. It's a little more work to include the model and serial numbers but there are vendors that want that information before they'll answer your technical questions and having them in the system will give you quick access to them.
- Edit Machine Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular machine or use the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete the machine.
- Display/Print Machines Click on the 'Display/Print Machines' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing all machines. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
- Create Machine Group Click on the 'Create Machine Group' button to create a new machine group. Machine groups are used to give you a parts listing of parts that belong to a type of machine. You can link a part to unlimited number machine types.
- Edit Machine Group Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular Machine group or the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete the entry.
- Display/Print Machine Group Click on the 'Display/Print Machine Groups' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing all Machine groups. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
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- Create Pm Task Click on the 'Create Pm Task' button to create a new pm task. When you create a new pm task,you'll be assigning a particular job to an individual machine and designate whether it is a 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', etc. type of task. The group information will later be used to print your pm worksheets and report pm activity.
- Edit PM Task Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular pm task or use the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete the task.
- Display/Print Pm Tasks Click on the 'Display/Print Pm Task' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing pm tasks. You will select which pm group to use. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
- Create Pm Exceptions This module allows you to note which pm tasks were NOT comleted for a given day, week, etc. Click on the 'Create Pm Exceptions' button to create a new entry. From the form at the top of the page, select the pm group, then the date ending for the period. If it is a daily pm then select the date associated with the pm tasks that were missed. If it any other group, then select the last date of the period. The day will always be a Friday. After these selections, two colums will be displayed. The one on the left is a list of your pm tasks for the group you selected. The one on the right is a list of the pm tasks that were NOT performed for the the dates selected. This column will be empty until you add items to it by first finding the pm task that was missed, then clicking the 'Add' button for that item. If you make a mistake,you can find that item in the right hand column and click the 'Delete' button. All this information is stored in the system so automatic reports can be easily generated.
- Display/Print PM Exceptions Click on the 'Display/Print PM Exceptions' button to generate and display 'pdf' file listing all Machine groups. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
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Work Requests
- Create Work Request Click on the 'Create Work Request' button to create a new work request. When you create a new work request, you'll be submitting the request directly to the Maintenance Manager and entering it into the maintenance database. The Maintenance Manager will then assign the work and update the work request status. You will be sent an email whenever the status chances, ie., the work is started or has been completed.
- Edit Work Request Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular work request or use the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete the request.
- Print Work Request Click on the 'Print work Request' button ( only if you are the maintenance manager or admin) to generate and display 'pdf' file listing pm tasks. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
- Set Work Request Status Click on the 'Set Work Request Status' button ( only if you are the maintenance manager or admin) to change the status to of the work request to 'work in progress' or 'complete'. The change in status will be emailed to the person requesting the work.
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- Email Maintenance Report Click on the 'Email Maintenance Report' button to send your summary report to the persons on your email list. The report can be generated for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc. PM's and also will report the number of work request in your system. PM's will be reported on an exception basis, showing the total number of PM's expected, the number that were not completed and the completion percentage.
- Edit Work Request Click on the 'Edit' button to edit information about a particular work request or use the 'delete' button, if you wish to delete the request.
- Print Work Request Click on the 'Print work Request' button ( only if you are the maintenance manager or admin) to generate and display 'pdf' file listing pm tasks. You will select which pm group to use. The 'pdf' file can be printed, written to a file on your local computer, or simply viewed.
- Set Work Request Status Click on the 'Set Work Request Status' button ( only if you are the maintenance manager or admin) to change the status to of the work request to 'work in progress' or 'complete'. The change in status will be emailed to the person requesting the work.
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- Getting Started You're here now!
- Manuals There are some manuals available on this page that may or may not apply to your plant. If you have a pdf file that you want to see in the list, email it to:
For questions or comments concerning this Web site contact
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